College students creating app that will help PSU Nature Program.
Students from the Kelce College of Business’s Computer Information Systems class recently embarked on a real-world project that will help the PSU Nature Reach program. The class, led by instructor John Kuefler, who owns the web and mobile app development company, DevSquared, aims to give students real-world experience in creating a practical application instead of a traditional mock assignment. The task: create an app that will track the care given to the raptors being cared for at the PSU Nature Reserve under the direction of Delia Lister. There, a team of student employees feed the Harris hawk, owl, vulture, and kestrel daily diet of mice, rats, and other small animals. They also gave the animals’ individualized medicines, but until now have relied on paper recording data on paper in a three ring binder.
In the recent weeks, the students have divided into teams to begin conceptualizing and designing. The hope is that the app could be used by student employees through cell phone, tablet, or laptop to create a more efficient care process. Kuefler says, “It’s nice whenever we can take students out of the classroom to do something hands on and practical as part of their coursework this semester, particularly with the pandemic.” For more information, contact John Kuefler at or Delia Lister at