Department of Agriculture to set pest traps in May
The Missouri Department of Agriculture Plant Industries team is setting spongy moth pest traps in May and will continue monitoring for other plant pests in the upcoming months. Summer is a popular time for pests to make their presence known in a negative way.
“Plant pests can hitchhike to new locations through a number of avenues,” said State Entomologist Rosalee Knipp. “They can burrow in untreated firewood and attach themselves to outdoor surfaces. Our team works hard to ensure Missouri’s plant industry remains protected throughout the year, and no invasive species make their way into our state.”
For more than 45 years, MDA’s Plant Pest team has been surveying for the spongy moth by setting delta traps. The spongy moth arrived in the U.S. in 1869 and has primarily affected the east coast. Surveying helps MDA monitor for spongy moths and would allow our team to pinpoint location if spongy moths were to enter our state. Spongy moths feed on more than 300 species of trees and shrubs but are particularly fond of the oak tree. Missouri has approximately 12.5 million acres of oak that could be severely damaged or killed if infested with spongy moths, which would greatly impact the state’s forestry economy.
Temporary traps are set in May each year. The traps are checked by MDA staff throughout the summer and are removed in August. Spongy moth traps are orange and triangular, and each trap includes a pheromone lure that attracts male spongy moths. The pheromone travels a short distance, only attracting moths already in close proximity to the trap. Traps are tied around the trunks of oak trees across the state, from the southwest corner to the northwest corner of Missouri. Nearly 3,200 traps are set out each summer, both in urban and rural settings.
MDA also watches closely for the spotted lanternfly, a leafhopper native to Asia. The spotted lanternfly feeds on the sap of over 70 plant species, including grape, apple, hops, oak, walnut, maple and ornamental plants. Tree of Heaven, an invasive plant in Missouri, is a favored host for the spotted lanternfly.
Spotted lanternflies, like spongy moths, are hitchhikers in their egg mass life stage. Look for spotted lanternfly and spongy moth egg masses on vehicles, trees, and other outdoor surfaces.
Missourians can help stop the spread of these pests in a number of ways.
- If you happen to see a spongy moth or spotted lanternfly egg mass when it is dormant during late fall, winter or early spring, scrape or smash the mass and report the sighting to MDA.
- Don’t move untreated firewood to new places. Source firewood where it will be burned or buy certified, heat-treated firewood before traveling.
- Source plants and seeds responsibly.
If you suspect an invasive species, contact MDA’s Plant Pest Program at
Find details about other invasive species that could cause harm to Missouri plants at
For more information on the department and its programs, visit