Christina “Chris” Dinkins officially enters race for Missouri State Senate in the 27th District

LESTERVILLE, Mo. — After an extensive eight-month exploratory phase marked by an overwhelming outpouring of support from all seven counties in Missouri’s 27th District, Chris Dinkins is proud to announce that she is officially entering the race for State Senate.
“For the last eight months I have traveled county to county, city to city, speaking with voters in their communities and on their doorsteps about the issues important to them and my vision for our state,” Dinkins said in a release. “After extensive polling conducted this month showing us in, we know our message has resonated with voters and I look forward to earning their support and vote over the next several months.”
In the State House, Chris Dinkins has been a tireless advocate for Missouri families, championing significant tax cuts while opposing unnecessary tax increases like the recent gas tax hike. She has supported vital legislation, including the Second Amendment Preservation Act and the Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act, making Missouri a stronghold for pro-life and pro-Second Amendment values.
Chris Dinkins is the House Sponsor of legislation that will implement a complete ban on foreign ownership of land in Missouri, ensuring that our state’s natural resources remain in the hands of its citizens. Additionally, she is the sponsor of what has been called “the strongest illegal immigration law in the country”, aimed at protecting our borders and upholding the rule of law in Missouri and punishing those who traffic drugs and illegal immigrants into the state.
“My commitment to service was instilled in me by my father and grandfather, both Army veterans, who taught my siblings and I the dignity of hard work from a young age,” Dinkins said. From her early years as a local public-school teacher to her active involvement in her church and community, and currently as a State Representative, Chris has dedicated her life to making a positive impact on the lives of others.
With firsthand experience as a small business owner, Chris knows the importance of budgeting, meeting payroll, and creating local jobs. She has witnessed the detrimental effects of burdensome regulations, high taxes, and government red tape on Missouri’s businesses and families. In the State Legislature, Dinkins sponsored legislation to eliminate the grocery tax and helped pass legislation that, once implemented, can freeze property taxes for senior citizens.
Born and raised in Wayne County, Chris Dinkins embodies the values of a hardworking, Christian, conservative family. She and her husband, Dave, raised their two sons on a family farm in Iron County before becoming small business owners in Reynolds County. Dinkins has earned a “Conservative Achievement Award” from CPAC/American Conservative Union, has been endorsed in every previous election by Missouri Right to Life, has maintained the Highest Rating Possible Every Election by the NRA, has received, the Friend of Agriculture Award by Missouri Farm Bureau, and has received the Chamber of Commerce “Business Champion” Award for her work in the legislature. To learn more about Chris Dinkins and her campaign, please visit