A quick look at some Missouri legislative bills filed

Hundreds of Missouri bills have already been filed for next year’s legislative session.
State Representative Rudy Veit, of Wardsville, is proposing to change the penalties if a person wearing an electronic monitoring device disables the equipment or fails to charge it.
Veit’s bill proposes to lower the penalty to a class E felony, unless the offense for which the person was placed on monitoring was a misdemeanor, in which case it would be a class A misdemeanor.
State Representative Adam Schwadron, of St. Charles, wants to change state law regarding the custody of in vitro human embryos.
State Representative Lane Roberts, of Joplin, has filed a bill that would create the offense of organized retail theft.
The crime has been getting national attention lately because of so-called “smash and grab” crimes happening in some U.S. cities.