Governor Parson’s Schedule for September 11-15

(JEFFERSON CITY, MO) – In the coming week, Gov. Mike Parson will hold several meetings and attend various events.
On Monday, Sept. 11, Gov. Parson will attend the Show Me Summit on Aging and Health in Columbia and present a proclamation celebrating Missouri’s Area Agencies on Aging and their 50 year anniversary of designation.
On Tuesday, Sept. 12, Gov. Parson will present a proclamation to state team members proclaiming October 2023 as Show Me Excellence Month. He will then join First Lady Teresa Parson in hosting a wild game dinner and auction, featuring country music artist Billy Yates, at the People’s House to benefit the Moving Missouri Forward Foundation.
On Wednesday, Sept. 13, Gov. Parson will travel to Sedalia to attend a “beam-signing event” at Prysmian Group to celebrate its recent expansion that created 60 new jobs.
He will then return to Jefferson City to join the First Lady in hosting a Convoy of Hope Luncheon at the Governor’s Mansion.