Gun taken from boy at Mayes County football game

Mayes County, Oklahoma Sheriff Mike Reed said his deputies – acting on a tip – took a gun from a juvenile boy at a Friday night football game in Locust Grove, Oklahoma.
“My Deputies immediately took the suspect away from the crowd and, after a short disagreement, disarmed him recovered a firearm on his person while inside the game,” Sheriff Reed said.
Superintendent of Locust Grove Public Schools Daniel Stokes reportedly said the student was a student at Pryor High School, the school Locust Grove was playing Friday night.
Sheriff Reed asks that the community stays involved and continues to tell the Mayes County Sheriff’s Office important information.
“We all must continue to work together to fight these kinda threats to our families!” Reed said.
The incident took place the same night as a fatal shooting at a football game in Choctaw Oklahoma near Oklahoma City with two others shot and two more injured.