Food show looking for Joplin audience members

Citizen Pictures is looking to cast audience members for a local restaurant showcase for a TV food series filming in JOPLIN! Those interested in participating must be 18 years or older.
Date: Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Location: Mercy Park, 2730 St. Johns Blvd, Joplin, MO 64804
Parking: Park Parking
Call Time/Arrival Time: 8:30 a.m.
Wrap/Departure Time: 2:00 p.m.
Wardrobe: Regarding wardrobe guidelines, please no logos, solid white or all black (even shirts/tops.) If you have any concerns about a particular outfit, send a reference photo, and we can get approval notes. Bring at least one extra option with you if any wardrobe adjustments are needed.
Activity/Participation: We will have all audience members seated in front of the showcase area during the time of filming. Audience participation will be predominantly observation, natural reactions, and cheering/clapping. Producers will likely chime in with suggestions as we go (if we need cheers, etc.), so there may be some guidance along the way for what we’ll need from you. It is also important to note there will be no smoking or vaping allowed on set.
Food: The set will not be breaking for a meal during the filming process – but will have some food and water/drinks available during the filming window.
Pay: $50.00 for participation
If interested, please send an email to ( with the subject line “Joplin Audience Member” to receive more information.