Kansas City gun control heads to city council

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — As gun violence continues to affect every corner of Kansas City, Mayor Quinton Lucas could be on the verge of a legislative win.
Two ordinances the mayor introduced are advancing to the full city council after getting approval in committee.
“How can we expect people to trust us as local government if we’re not doing everything that we possibly can to get these dangerous deadly weapons off of our streets?” said Melesa Johnson, director of public safety for the mayor.
The first ordinance address switches, which can be metal or plastic. If you connect them to a semi-automat handgun, that gun becomes a fully automatic weapon.
Last year alone, 57% of shootings in Kansas City, Missouri, were carried out using a handgun. The Missouri State Highway Patrol said that’s up 10% from the last three years.
“At the municipal level, we also have to add another layer of legal recourse that gives our officers another tool in their toolbox to confiscate these weapons,” Johnson said.
And while the ordinance on switches is already illegal on the federal level, Johnson said this is an issue the city must take up.
“The city has to carry our weight, and that is the goal of today’s legislation,” she said.
The second ordinance would prohibit anyone under the age of 18 from buying ammunition without parental consent.
But everyone isn’t on the same page. One community leader voiced her frustration with that ordinance, saying this idea is misguided. Both these ordinances will now head to city council for a vote.