Cost share program available to encourage conservation practices

MANHATTAN, Kansas – Producers and landowners who install enduring conservation practices may qualify to receive financial assistance for these projects through a voluntary cost share program.
The FY 2024 state cost share program for conservation practices is underway to encourage projects that improve water quality and quantity.
Funding is provided by the Kansas Department of Agriculture Division of Conservation (KDA–DOC) through appropriation from the State Water Plan Fund and the program is administered by Conservation Districts across the state.
Landowners and producers with natural resource concerns on their property are encouraged to visit their local Conservation District office to discuss the possibility of receiving state financial assistance. Along with the annual funding, additional funding is available this year to landowners and producers interested in eligible water resources practices such as irrigation water management, nutrient management, planting cover crops, livestock water supplies, cross fencing, and abandoned well plugging.
Landowners and producers who are approved for the program will be notified of the practice(s) approval and the estimated amount of cost-share that will be provided. Projects started or completed prior to being approved for funding by individual districts and KDA–DOC are not eligible for these funds.
Applications for cost share funds must be made through local Conservation Districts; please contact your district office for details about funding eligibility.
For application assistance along with more information concerning state cost share programs and other available services, please contact your local conservation district office; a directory of Conservation Districts can be found at