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2022 Water Quality Report available online for Missouri American Water Customers

Annual report provides details about the source and quality of drinking water provided to the community

JOPLIN, Mo. (July 18, 2023) – Missouri American Water customers are encouraged to visit the company website to learn more about the source and quality of their drinking water. The 2022 water quality reports, also referred to as Consumer Confidence Reports, are now available for all of Missouri American Water’s operations throughout the state.

The primary source of drinking water for the Joplin Area is Shoal Creek, which is supplemented by a system of deep wells that is used mainly in summer months to pull water from the underground aquifer.

Missouri American Water’s Joplin Treatment Plant is nationally recognized with the Directors Award from the Partnership for Safe Water, a voluntary initiative developed by six prestigious drinking water organizations including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The award recognizes systems for consistently surpassing federal and state drinking water standards. The
Joplin facility has been recognized with this distinction for 21 years.

“We have a team of highly skilled professionals who are committed to delivering safe, clean, reliable water service to our customers in the Joplin community, and we’re proud to meet or surpass state and federal health and safety regulations,” said Matthew Barnhart, Senior Director of operations for Missouri American Water. “We continually invest to upgrade our treatment plant and distribution system to provide quality water and reliable service.”

The Joplin operations team has also worked with a group of community stakeholders to develop a Source Water Protection Plan to reduce the risk of potential contamination to both Shoal Creek and the wells that provide area drinking water. This plan has been recognized by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and is updated on an annual basis.

This year Missouri American Water is investing more than $425 million to upgrade its water and wastewater treatment plants and pipeline systems across the state to further enhance water quality and service reliability.

The 2022 Water Quality Reports are available here.

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