Jasper County CASA raising funds for CFO matching challenge

The Community Foundation of the Ozarks (CFO) has selected Jasper County CASA to participate in a month-long challenge to boost its endowment.
If Jasper County CASA raises $15,000 by Tuesday, Aug. 15, the CFO will grant $10,000 to its endowment.
Nine other CFO nonprofit partners are participating in the challenge.
The challenge grants, totaling $100,000, are part of the CFO’s 50th anniversary celebration and exemplify the foundation’s work to strengthen local nonprofits. One of the services the CFO offers to its nonprofit partners is managing endowments, which provide permanent, sustainable sources of income for a nonprofit.
The participating agencies were selected following a competitive application process held earlier this year.
“We often say that we’re in the forever business, and endowments are the perfect example,” said Brian Fogle, the CFO’s president and CEO. “Endowments ensure that these nonprofits will have resources to serve our communities for the next 50 years and beyond.”
To donate to Jasper County CASA endowment, go to cfozarks.org/endow2023.