Missouri House approves one-mile landfill buffer

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Missouri Representatives, in an overwhelming 139-16 vote Wednesday, approved a measure creating a one-mile buffer between landfills and neighboring municipalities. The vote follows widespread public outcry about the potential development of a new landfill in southern Kansas City that would border Cass County. The development would be adjacent to tens of thousands of residents in the cities of Raymore, Lee’s Summit and Grandview and multiple schools that serve those communities.
“I applaud my House colleagues for their resounding ‘yes’ vote on this important measure,” said Representative Mike Haffner (R-Pleasant Hill). “Existing statute is insufficient and we, as lawmakers, have a responsibility to move to protect the lives and livelihoods of thousands of Missourians affected by a threatened landfill on their front step.”
House Bill 909 clarifies existing statute (Section 260.205, RSMo) as it relates to solid waste disposal area permits, extending the current half-mile buffer to a full mile. The measure now heads to the Senate. The House vote follows thousands of emails, letters and phone calls from Missourians in support of the measure.
“The future of our community is on the line,” said Raymore Mayor Kris Turnbow. “Our work is not finished. We ask our state senators to recognize the high stakes in this situation, pass the bill and move swiftly to send this legislation to Governor Parson’s desk.”
The developer has not initiated formal contact with local, state or regional governmental agencies such as the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, the Mid-America Regional Council and the city of Kansas City, Missouri, nor has she taken other important steps to begin the formal process of development.