The FBI arrests a former Kansas City, Kansas detective over civil rights charges

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — A former Kansas City, Kansas Police Department officer faces six charges of deprivation of civil rights, court documents released Thursday said.
The indictment alleges Roger Golubski sexually assaulted two unnamed victims between 1998 and 2002. Golubski’s alleged conduct includes aggravated sexual abuse and kidnapping.
The FBI said Golubski was taken into custody on Thursday.
The FBI released a statement, “Earlier this morning, former Kansas City, Kansas Police Detective Roger Golubski was arrested and taken into custody by the FBI without incident at his residence in Edwardsville, Kansas. At this time no additional information is available for release.”
According to KCKPD, Golubski was under investigation since 2019. During that time the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department has been responding to subpoenas from the FBI regarding allegations made against Roger Golubski.
The KCKPD said, “Despite many inquiries from both the public and media over the past three years, we did not disclose our cooperation with the investigation out of concern that it could interfere with the work of federal authorities.”