BBB: Watch out for home improvement scammers

It’s that time of year again: People want to get springtime home improvement jobs done. But it’s hard to find a person to do the job.
Then comes your lucky break: A guy from out of town working down the street comes knocking on your door offering you a great deal.
But Stephanie Garland, Regional Director of the Better Business Bureau, says things might not be what they appear to be.
“One common hook is scammers use is they claim to be working in your neighborhood.They say they have leftover materials they can use to help you,” she states.
“Once they’ve started the contractor might ‘find issues’ that significantly raise the price. If you object, they may threaten to walk away and leave the project half finished,” she adds.
Garland says the best idea is to ask for identification, insist on getting a signed estimate, ask for references and, above all, never deal with fly by night companies.
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