Man from Parsons, KS arrested after being aggressive with officers while naked
Dustin Waylon Almond was arrested on Wednesday

A man from Parsons was arrested on Wednesday after he confronted officers that were dispatched to an address in the 1400 block of Grand Avenue for calls of Domestic Battery.
As more officers arrived at the scene, they encountered 30-year-old Parsons resident Dustin Waylon Almond, who was naked and using vulgar, racial, and sexist language at an officer already there.
Almond then attempted to flee from the residence through the back door, where he was met by another officer and arrested.
Almond maintained his aggressive attitude and became combative.
He headbutted that officer in the face and then kicked the same officer in the chest and bit another one in the arm.
Almond continued to be combative after being put into his cell, where he tried to escape as the door was closing.
None of the officers involved sustained serious injuries.
Dustin Almond denied any medical assistance.
Almond was charged with three counts of Felony Battery of a Law Enforcement Officer.
Contact the Parsons Police Department if you see suspicious activity by calling 421-7060.