Carthage Board considers new Performing Arts Center

Carthage School Superintendent Dr. Mark Baker, on Monday night of this week, provided the Carthage School Board with information about a potential new Performing Arts Center for the school.
The facility, if built, would be located on South River Street.
Dr. Baker says the current 800-seat facility located at the old high school, built in 1987, isn’t getting the job done anymore.
“The bottom line is that our facilities are used to instruct kids,” Dr. Baker says.
“What we have right now is not in the best situation to instruct kids,” Baker continues, “whether it be in vocal or instrument music or drama or scene shop development. It’s outdated and needs some more space.”
He says the school currently has about $18 million available in bonding capacity.
The new facility would have up to 1,250 seats and all-new rigging, sound and lighting amenities.
Dr. Baker says the School Board will need to decide by the January Board meeting whether or not to extend the current tax for two years to allow the center to be built without a tax increase.