MoDOT announces upcoming road closure in Carl Junction
This closure will go from November 1st through the 8th

MoDOT has announced an upcoming road closure in Carl Junction that will take place the first week of November.
Gum Road at Missouri Route 171 in Carl Junction will be closed from 8 p.m. Monday, November 1 through 5 p.m. Monday, November 8.
“Contractor crews will construct new turn lane and approach pavement from Route 171 to Gum Road,” according to a news release from MoDOT.
During this project, Gum Road will be closed at Route 171.
Drivers will be able to access driveways and entrances on both ends of the closure, but traversal through the work zone will not be allowed.
Drivers may see lane closures in the area as flaggers direct traffic on Route 171 while crews work to complete the turn lane project.
There will be no signed detours.
Drivers are encouraged to find alternate routes.
Signs and message boards will indicate the work zone as drivers enter the area.