Joplin authorities asking for help to identify suspected arsonist

The Joplin Fire Department, along with the Joplin Police Department, are looking for assistance locating a suspected arsonist. Read the full press release below:
The map included in this post identifies 22 incidents since July that have been identified as suspected arson fires. If you live in, or visit this area regularly, and have knowledge of suspicious activity (within the midnight hours over the past two months in this area) we ask that you give us a call.
You can contact Sgt Dodson of the Joplin Police Department at 417-623-3131 extension 1638 or Fire Marshal Dale Brooks at 417-624-0820 extension 1307 Monday through Friday between 9am and 5pm.
As always, if you experience a fire or emergency in your neighborhood, call 911 immediately. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.