FEMA approves Governor’s Disaster Declaration Request
21 Missouri counties to receive federal assistance . . . . .

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Today, Governor Mike Parson announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has approved Missouri’s request for a major disaster declaration. A total of 21 counties will receive federal assistance in response to severe storms and flooding beginning in late June and continuing through July 1. The Governor’s August 13 request included $10 million in qualifying disaster-related expenses that had already been identified.
“FEMA’s approval of our request means millions of dollars in federal and state reimbursements will now go to hard-hit communities in 21 Missouri counties,” Governor Parson said. “We appreciate the hard work of our local emergency managers and officials to assess the damage and tally expenses to meet the initial federal reporting requirements. Their communities and taxpayers will now benefit from their efforts.”
FEMA’s approval means local governments and eligible nonprofits in Andrew, Audrain, Boone, Buchanan, Caldwell, Callaway, Carroll, Chariton, Clinton, Cooper, Daviess, Grundy, Holt, Howard, Lincoln, Livingston,
Moniteau, Montgomery, Ralls, Ray, and Saline counties will receive reimbursements for emergency response costs and repairs to roads, bridges, and other public infrastructure.
Missouri’s request to FEMA was for damage and emergency response costs incurred due to severe storms and flooding from June 19 to July 1. FEMA’s major disaster declaration notification, received on September 1, was for the period of June 24 to July 1.
State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) has already begun efforts with the federal government to expand the incident period to include June 19-23 in order to maximize financial assistance to Missouri communities and eligible nonprofits.