2021 Cardinals April game tickets on sale this week

General Public To Have Opportunity to Purchase Multiple Games on Tuesday, March 16 and Single-Game Tickets on Wednesday, March 17
ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 15, 2021–The St. Louis Cardinals have announced that April game tickets will go on sale to the general public this week. Tickets will be sold for all 13 April home games, including a limited amount of inventory for the Home Opener on Thursday, April 8.
Fans who wish to purchase tickets to three or more April games can take part in a multi-game ticket sale beginning tomorrow, March 16, at 11 AM CT. Single-game tickets will be available for fans to purchase on Wednesday, March 17, at 11 AM CT. Tickets can be purchased online at cardinals.com and via phone at 314-345-9000.
The Busch Stadium ticket windows will not be open for this week’s ticket sales.
Tickets will be sold in a variety of seating pod sizes, up to four seats per pod. All tickets purchased will be delivered digitally and can be easily managed using the MLB Ballpark app. Fans can learn more about how to access and manage their digital tickets at cardinals.com/ballparkapp.
A number of policies and protocols will be in place to ensure the health and safety of fans, employees, and players at Busch Stadium in 2021, a list of which can be found at cardinals.com/backatbusch.