Cherokee County Health Deptartment holds vaccination event

The Cherokee County Health Department conducted a Drive-Thru Covid-19 Vaccine Point of Dispensing event in Columbus on Friday, Jan. 22.
Over 125 citizens who live or work in Cherokee County received their first dose of the Moderna vaccine, which will require a second dose in approximately 28 days.
“Thanks to a great team effort, today’s vaccination event went incredibly smooth,” said Cherokee County Health Department Administrator, Betha Elliott.
“Our staff has been anxious to provide vaccine to those who want it and in the weeks and months ahead we will continue to work to administer even more doses, as it becomes available to us,” Elliott added.
Those who live or work in Cherokee County, and meet the Phase 2 criteria established by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, can call (620) 429-3087 to get onto the health department’s waiting list.