Toll-free legislative hotline available to Kansas residents

Topeka, Kansas – The State Library of Kansas is reminding Kansans that information about the 2021 Kansas Legislature is only a phone call or chat away.
The number for the Legislative Hotline is 800-432-3924. Calls are answered by librarians at the State Library who are experienced with the legislative process.
Frequently asked questions include who is my legislator, how can I contact them, and what is the status of this bill. Reference librarians at the State Library take questions by phone, email, and chat. Kansans can leave brief messages for their legislators or request copies of bills and other legislative documents.
In addition to calling the hotline, Kansans can chat with a librarian in real-time through the library’s Ask A Librarian service found at
Kansans will have the option of installing a mobile app connecting users to all the State Library’s reference services, including chat, texting, and email. Text questions to 785-256-0733. TTY users should call 711.
The Legislative Hotline is available weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Questions can be left at on weekends and evenings.