Kansas cracking down on alcohol/drug-related crashes starting tomorrow

Beginning Friday, November 20, through Sunday, Nov 29, 2020 the Galena Police Department will join many other law enforcement agencies across the state, including the Kansas Highway Patrol, in the Kansas Thanksgiving Safe Arrival traffic enforcement campaign. A grant from the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) will support overtime enforcement efforts. While all Kansas Traffic Laws will be enforced, this extra provision will be aggressively targeting and removing impaired drivers from our roads.
According to KDOT, the day before Thanksgiving sees more impairment-related crashes than any other day of the year. Those who choose to drive under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, are a danger to all they share the road with–their passengers, other motorists and their passengers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Impaired driving crashes tend to be more severe. On average, across Kansas, three persons are injured every day, and one person is killed every four days in alcohol/drug-related crashes. Vehicle occupants in alcohol- or other drug-related crashes are over 2 ½ times more likely to be injured or killed than those involved in crashes where alcohol or other drugs were not a factor.
Each week across Kansas, over 250 drivers are arrested for choosing to drive impaired
(Driving Under the Influence). A DUI conviction will result in jail time, the suspension or revocation of driver’s license, a fine of $500 to $2,500, participation in an alcohol or other drug treatment program and, where alcohol is cited as a contributing factor, the purchase and installation of an ignition interlock device by the offender. This device prevents the vehicle from starting if alcohol is present in the driver’s breath. All of this is in addition to thousands of dollars more for bail, court costs, and attorney fees.
“Keep in mind that if you are going to be drinking; Arrange to ride with a non-drinking acquaintance BEFORE you go out.”
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or both is a choice YOU make. Make the right choice. On the drive to zero, YOU are in the driver’s seat.