You can fill more than bellies with empty bowls

The eighth annual Empty Bowls fundraiser is right around the corner, but you can help Watered Garden feed the hungry tomorrow (Friday 10/30) at The Joplin Greenhouse and The Coffee House.
Then on the day of the event, Thursday, November 19th, from 11am to 7pm, you can get a delicious soup made by an area restaurant, at The Joplin Empire Market.
For the best selection of beautiful pottery of one of the many “starving artists” in our region Travis Hurley Director of advancement At Watered Garden Ministries says, “ we will have some bowl on the day of the event but it isn’t going to be anything like the selection if you come by the Greenhouse.”
Pre-sales of a locally handcrafted bowl will be available Friday 10/30 from 10am to 5pm, for a minimum donation of $30.