Major award to help Jasper County fight opioid epidemic

Some big money is coming to Jasper County – in the form of an $887,000 award from the United States Department of Justice – to develop a locally-driven response to the opioid and stimulant epidemic occurring within local communities.
Court Administrator Erik Theis says the Jasper County Circuit Court will work to implement a court-led approach to improve responses to offenders at high risk for overdose or substance abuse.
Among other things, law enforcement and first responders will be provided with Naloxone, which can treat narcotic overdoses in emergency situations
The Court, along with criminal justice and community partners will implement a comprehensive corrections program that provides supervision, treatment, and other services to individuals with substance use disorder who enter in the criminal justice system.
The initiative will feature detention center and community-based components serving non-violent offenders who have custody of, or reside with children in Jasper County.
The goal of this program is to provide supervision and treatment as an alternative to incarceration for those entering the criminal justice system due to substance abuse and other behavioral health disorders.