Missouri Congress Members Unleash On House Floor Over Impeachment

For only the third time in American history, a sitting president has been impeached. The U.S House voted to impeach President Trump for “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress” related to his dealings with Ukraine after six hours of heated debate Wednesday.
Missouri’s members voted along party lines with Democrats voting for impeachment and Republicans voting against it.
Republican Congressman Billy Long took the 30 seconds he was allotted to speak on the House floor before the vote to unleash on democrats. He says Trump has been a target since day one.
“We have never ever in the history of this country seen a presidency like this one. Once the President was sworn in, nineteen minutes later, the Washington Post said ‘Impeachment begins today’. A million women marched the next day on Washington. Bank of America, Starbucks, both have supported Hillary Clinton had their windows broken out here in Washington because the people were so upset that this man was elected president. He has had his head held under water for almost three years now!”
Democrats, like Congressman Lacy Clay, says Trump has repeatedly abused his power, is a threat to national security, and deliberately obstructed the House’s investigation about the president’s handling of Ukraine.
“In 1974 Republicans made it clear – that their ultimate loyalty was not to one man but to upholding the Constitution. Today, the uncontested evidence shows Donald Trump violated his oath of office. My friends on both sides of the aisle can either defend him or defend the Constitution.”
Republican Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer said this was purely political.
“Another one of my Democratic colleagues publicly admitted in May that the driving force behind their actions was and I quote ‘If we don’t impeach the president, he’ll get re-elected.’ Awhile ago the speaker spoke of the Pledge of the Allegiance. The last phrase of the pledge is justice for all. Justice is not something afforded to the president during the investigation. He was denied due process.”
Luetkemeyer then went on to call the impeachment process a total sham.
“In order to arrive at their Stallinistic pre-determined conclusion, House Democrats spent the last several months staging well-rehearsed hearings, where the charges were drawn up by their own focus groups, Democrat donors served as witnesses and Democrats’ staff served as judge and jury. Even with the odds so blatantly stacked against the president, Democrats came up with absolutely nothing,”
The White House rejected an invitation to participate in impeachment hearings and called the inquiry “completely baseless”.
It would now be up to the Senate to decide if Trump should be removed from office, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she will not send the House vote to the Senate.