Repairs Begin Wednesday On Several Joplin Railroad Crossings

Work begins tomorrow (Wednesday) on several railroad crossings in Joplin. Beginning at 7 a.m you’ll need to use an alternate route if you normally cross the tracks at 5th Street just west of Murphy Blvd. On Thursday the crossings at 9th and 12th Streets near Missouri and Iowa Avenues will be under construction, and then on Friday crews will work at the crossing at 15th between Wisconsin and Illinois.
Work will begin each day at 7 a.m. and continue until work is finished at that crossing. Work along the 15th Street crossing may take longer than one day due to weather and conditions for asphalt work. If this occurs, the road will be closed overnight, and crews would finish work on Saturday morning. Message boards will be placed to alert drivers to this upcoming closure.
Businesses in the area will be accessible during the construction period. Detours will be in place and drivers will need to use alternate routes.