Railroad repairs to close intersection Sept. 3-4

Starting Tuesday, September 3, Missouri and Northern Arkansas Railroad will make repairs to the crossing at Maiden and Junge Boulevard (13th Street).
Due to this work, the intersection will be closed from 8 a.m. Tuesday, September 3 through Wednesday, September 4. The work is expected to be completed by 6 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 4, weather permitting.
Message boards will be placed to alert drivers to this upcoming closure. Businesses in the area will be accessible during the construction period.
Detours will be in place and drivers will need to use alternate routes. While in the area, drivers are urged to use extreme caution. The City appreciates the public’s patience while this work is being done to improve the crossing.
For questions, please contact Dakota Rusk, Traffic Engineer with the City of Joplin, at 417-624-0820, ext. 598.