Honoring our local corrections officers

This week is National Correctional Officers’ Week, and Joplin Police Captain Trevor Duncan tells News Talk KZRG the importance of this week.
“We have a lot of community support that supports local law enforcement and our police department and a lot of times kind of the behind the scenes people are the ones that are forgotten about. So this week is national corrections officers week so just wanted to take a moment and spread awareness that we appreciate the work that our jailers do and I know the community appreciates them too, because without them, we wouldn’t be able to do our job.
In 1984, President Ronald Reagan signed Proclamation 5187 creating “National Correctional Officers’ Week” to be celebrated during the first full week of May.
“Historically, correctional officers have been viewed as “guards,” occupying isolated and misunderstood positions in prisons and jails. In recent years, the duties of these officers have become increasingly complex and demanding. They are called upon to fill, simultaneously, custodial, supervisory and counseling roles. The professionalism, dedication and courage exhibited by these officers throughout the performance of these demanding and often conflicting roles deserve our utmost respect. The important work of correctional officers often does not receive the recognition from the public it deserves. It is appropriate that we honor the many contributions and accomplishments of these men and women who are a vital component of the field of corrections.” –President Ronald Reagan