Freeman helps celebrate National Donate Blue and Green Day

“Twenty-two people die every day waiting so the need is so great that we love our hospital partners that let us know when there is an opportunity”
That’s what Kristan Curry the family services coordinator for MidWest Transplant Network told News Talk KZRG. The partner she’s talking about is Freeman health system. The 22 people that die waiting are waiting for a life saving transplant operations and Kristan was at Freeman Hospital today to bring awareness for National Donate Life Blue and Green Day.
Nationally, more than 120,000 people are waiting for an organ – one person is added to a waiting list every 10 minutes. By registering to be an organ donor, an individual can save as many as eight lives and directly improve the lives of up to 50 people through tissue donation.
Roxanna Estes. Donor Council Chairperson at Freeman tells us another reason to give the gift of life through donation. Roxanne says, “ I think that donation really brings the opportunity for families to be able to have something good come out of something that is really bad. And, it gives them hope, it can help give them closer. It can help give them the opportunity to know that their family member is living on through others. It’s pretty amazing. It gives me chills!”
From now until 2 today (Friday 04/12) you can stop by Freeman, where all the employees are wearing Blue and green, and sign-up or pick up information about being a life saving Organ Donor and some cool blue and green gifts too.
If you’d like to be an organ donor, you can do so at the DMV when you obtain or renew your driver’s license or Identification card and online at this link: