Kobach’s defeat puts future of voter database in doubt

(AP) The future of a much-criticized database that checks if voters are illegally registering in multiple states is up in the air now that former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach no longer holds that office.
A spokeswoman for Kansas Secretary of State Scott Schwab said Friday the office is reviewing Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program and consulting with other member states. Spokeswoman Katie Koupal says no formal decision has been made either way about whether to keep the program.
Crosscheck compares voter registration lists among participating states to look for duplicates. The program is aimed at cleaning voter records and preventing voter fraud, but has drawn criticism for its high error rate and lax security.
The program was started in 2005 and had only four participants when Kobach took office in 2011. By 2017, 30 states were participating.